Sunday, 15 January 2017

Mind Powers.

Credits: Unknown.

Not everyone believes in Mind Powers, but it does not change the fact that these can be developed.

Runner - being a Buddhist - considered his Mind Sphere most important, developed it with a higher priority than other Spheres.

The most basic trick of telepathy & empathy is a 'mind contact' - sharing thoughts & feelings, to communicate at a distance, to help others by transforming people's mind to be calmer and healthier.

More advanced tricks include:
- 'breaking mind contact', it's about giving a 'monkey mind' of a mind mage something else to do than maitaining a 'mind contact', it's about making it wander away from someone else's thoughts & feelings,
- a 'mind shield', in most basic form it's just seeding shame & sorrow in minds that consider attacking a mind mage,
- a 'mind confusion' - it's offensive trick of seeding a lot of thoughts & feelings in a very short time, thoughts & feelings that neutralize and confuse a victim; wish to make these thoughts & feelings arise very quickly is also important; it's important to 'heal' the mind of a victim after attack as well,
- a 'mind paralysis' - similar to 'mind confusion', but goal is to neutralize & paralyze mind and body - different thoughts are seeded,
- a 'mind healing' - purifying thoughts & feelings seeded by an attacking mind mage, so victim is healed; it's mostly for healing a victim after an attack, other thoughts & feelings are better healed with 'mind contact',
- a 'venetian mirror' - protects the mind from being read by a victim while allowing a mind mage to observe victim's mind; it's about training the mind to be subtler, quieter, as well as using victim's 'ego barrier' as an 'obstacle to hide behind'; a 'mind contact' is still there, but when executed properly victim is aware of it only in subconsciousness,
- a 'thought surfacing' - bringing a mind mage's or victim's thought(s) from subconsciousness into more aware thinking - so it can be observed and read by a mind mage,
- a 'thought hiding' - diverting mind mage's or victim's thought process to something else as well as hiding current thoughts & feelings deeper in subconscious,
- a 'suggestion' - seeding thoughts in a victim's mind that compel him or her to think & feel a certain way,
- a 'feint' - can combined with physical combat methods such as martial arts or a pistol use, or with mind-tricks alone; makes victim think that different attack or maneuver will be executed; it's idea is similar to combination of a 'mind confusion' with a 'suggestion'; there can be a feint within feint, feint within feint within feint, etc.
- a 'scan' - reading mind without bringing thoughts & feelings to surface, more advanced trick than 'thought surfacing' & 'mind contact'.

Runner considered himself quite an adept in calming & quietly observing his mind, he understood a nature of 'mind contact' as well. He contacted chantry & friends with a wish to practice more advanced tricks with them, to spar without harming training partners.

His most important tools will be focus, relaxation, breath meditation, imagination & forms visualization to make certain qualities awaken & arise in mind.

This training probably will take quite some time - it's similar to Karate lessons in that respect, as well as in that it takes an effort and occasionally hurts as well.

Being a buddhist, he explained that his wish is also to protect the mind of sangha, chantry & friends from telepathic attacks, from reading & manipulation as well;

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Dragon Style.

Credits: Bruce Lee.

Drake Black is an advanced Buddhist Mage-Artist of Akasha, Karateka not so inefficient with very deep, simple, fast & dynamic Dragon Style, Jeet Kune-do created by Bruce Lee.

He was first important martial arts teacher of Runner, as well as an authority in Buddhist Way.

A long-time friend of Hue and Black Mala, they belong to the same Sangha.

Thanks to him Runner got suprising & misdirecting, well-timed & fast a left-straight karate punch, as well as many insights into more advanced martial arts for future.

One of the quotes Runner keeps rembering is: 'Do not use untrained methods in fight'.

That's about it - he's simple, friendly, keeping good style, with open mind - gets along with all of the chantry at ease, offering Protections when neccessary.

Ah, they also have a military vet contact, ex-French Foreigners League, Alec - also a Buddhist of the Diamond Way.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

A Nephandi Influence.

Netlight Runner had occasinally dreams, had dreams about a witch influenced by Nephandi of Hells.

He knew her, he knew Caty Purple a little from the past, now maitained a silent mind-contact whenever was the need.

She was with him often, but mostly in mind.

She was interrested in building her place in a Hell, so after death she has position, status, privileges & power there.

Runner agreed to help her, to bring Mind's Calm advantage to the hell she belongs as a bait, and a goal to drag her out of this Hell in the case she goes too far.

He was not too enthusiastic about hells however, even if her corner was a Beautiful Art-Place.

Still, he would not leave her to 'hell's mercy' - and there was a lot to do as well. So many minds to change, so many beings to drag out for the light.

Recently with his help she did advance, or rather - fall deeper into a descent and was rewarded with better throne by her boss. Runner got his share as well.

He dreamed that the refurnished place looked ever more & more impressively.

Currently her Iron Throne of Mind, Speech & Flesh was a Deed of Art adorned with crystals & magickal runes, she had magickal garden, she had a black-crystal & silver mirror with two candles at sides, as well as other tools as Tarot Cards, Candles & Incense. Her purple robes & other clothing, her make-up tools & perfumes were excellent. He did not know all of her secrets, of course - including magicks she did weave about.

Seven black cats entertained her, and occasionally Runner as well.

Runner's throne was only of a gold - in this hell gold was less worthwhile than iron. Positioned behind her throne & to the right, this described that he's her right hand, an advisor and an associate. A throne of was of dark gold, with a black dragon on back, with a black raven on top-left. Nearby, to right was a desk with a netbook computer, a smartphone & a VR set, with tarot cards, with other magickal tools. To the right there were five candles surrounding dark-crystal container with a black/red alive lotus flower, with silver lines forming a pentagram around it. Lotus flower was replaced wherever it died, candles never burned out.

It was a throne of only Mind & Flesh, as the speech is a domain of the feminine gender - he thought.

Raven's magic was to perceive enemies, Dragon's to protect with curses. As soon as someone entered her place, the Black Raven looked at their Mind & Aura to detect enmity. In case of troubles sensed, Raven's black eyes turned milk-white, trespassers got a warning in Mind and a chance to surrender & apologize. Failing that - when they attack - or after about a half of a minute, Raven's eyes turn red and dragon flies in incorporeal form, then strikes with a minor curse - to paralyze the trespassers & to vampirically drain their power making them eat more for that as well - so even if they escape, they have something to remind them of their arrogance & folly. In case of surrender, raven's eyes remain milk till they leave. Stolen power was distributed to Caty Purple, to Runner & to hells.

Runner's plan was for this power was to use it to appease & liberate beings of hells & hungry ghosts. He was trying to be Bodhisattva that way.

Occasinally they were visited by Caty's boss - a strong, small, bald man with sinister black eyes without iris or pupil who excelled in the ritual tarot magicks. Recently he recovered from a minor but annoying curse, as well.