Credits: Unknown.
Not everyone believes in Mind Powers, but it does not change the fact that these can be developed.
Runner - being a Buddhist - considered his Mind Sphere most important, developed it with a higher priority than other Spheres.
The most basic trick of telepathy & empathy is a 'mind contact' - sharing thoughts & feelings, to communicate at a distance, to help others by transforming people's mind to be calmer and healthier.
More advanced tricks include:
- 'breaking mind contact', it's about giving a 'monkey mind' of a mind mage something else to do than maitaining a 'mind contact', it's about making it wander away from someone else's thoughts & feelings,
- a 'mind shield', in most basic form it's just seeding shame & sorrow in minds that consider attacking a mind mage,
- a 'mind confusion' - it's offensive trick of seeding a lot of thoughts & feelings in a very short time, thoughts & feelings that neutralize and confuse a victim; wish to make these thoughts & feelings arise very quickly is also important; it's important to 'heal' the mind of a victim after attack as well,
- a 'mind paralysis' - similar to 'mind confusion', but goal is to neutralize & paralyze mind and body - different thoughts are seeded,
- a 'mind healing' - purifying thoughts & feelings seeded by an attacking mind mage, so victim is healed; it's mostly for healing a victim after an attack, other thoughts & feelings are better healed with 'mind contact',
- a 'venetian mirror' - protects the mind from being read by a victim while allowing a mind mage to observe victim's mind; it's about training the mind to be subtler, quieter, as well as using victim's 'ego barrier' as an 'obstacle to hide behind'; a 'mind contact' is still there, but when executed properly victim is aware of it only in subconsciousness,
- a 'thought surfacing' - bringing a mind mage's or victim's thought(s) from subconsciousness into more aware thinking - so it can be observed and read by a mind mage,
- a 'thought hiding' - diverting mind mage's or victim's thought process to something else as well as hiding current thoughts & feelings deeper in subconscious,
- a 'suggestion' - seeding thoughts in a victim's mind that compel him or her to think & feel a certain way,
- a 'feint' - can combined with physical combat methods such as martial arts or a pistol use, or with mind-tricks alone; makes victim think that different attack or maneuver will be executed; it's idea is similar to combination of a 'mind confusion' with a 'suggestion'; there can be a feint within feint, feint within feint within feint, etc.
- a 'scan' - reading mind without bringing thoughts & feelings to surface, more advanced trick than 'thought surfacing' & 'mind contact'.
Runner considered himself quite an adept in calming & quietly observing his mind, he understood a nature of 'mind contact' as well. He contacted chantry & friends with a wish to practice more advanced tricks with them, to spar without harming training partners.
His most important tools will be focus, relaxation, breath meditation, imagination & forms visualization to make certain qualities awaken & arise in mind.
This training probably will take quite some time - it's similar to Karate lessons in that respect, as well as in that it takes an effort and occasionally hurts as well.
Being a buddhist, he explained that his wish is also to protect the mind of sangha, chantry & friends from telepathic attacks, from reading & manipulation as well;