Monday, 28 August 2017


Words about Allah's Chorus message conveyed via Technocracy spread among Chantry and part of Sangha.

Alec contacted Runner.
- 'Why might Allah want to let You Live, Runner?' - he asked,
- 'They want me to complete the Matter-Energy Form Technology codenamed Matrix, then buy it from us - offering us my life, delayed Jihad & less of Terrorist attacks in the West - as well as a lot of money' - Runner replied,
- 'Will we sell?' - Alec asked,
- 'Probably Civilian version, that they will arm anyway. They have stolen ideas, deployed already - but they want more complete version to analyze and convert tricks. And it comes with more of Spiritual Power attached, that increases efficiency' - Runner replied,
- 'What do You think of it?' - Alec asked again,
- 'Well, they have to adopt our thinking patterns to understand it better, to use it more skilfully - so their karma will improve and be more favourable for our Teachers. Got insight that our Teachers want that trade, even if they want to convert back to Allah at old age - they won't succeed completely. We'll still hold advantage of thinking, we'll have superiority.' - Runner replied,
- 'We will see how it goes, but i can see benefits' - Alec mentioned,
- 'Indeed, we'll see - it's dangerous' - Runner concluded meeting.


Mint initiated a mind-meeting with Runner.

- 'i have information about Celestial Chorus & Technocracy' - she spoke,
- 'what it is?' - Runner asked.
- 'write a message, noting numbers - i'll explain later' - she answered.

He did it, message was as follows:

'He has to live. Allah's Will' 31
'He has to die. Allah's Will' 27

She explained Runner that it's about him, that it's technocracy's intercepted message, checksummed using Isopsephy, ancient-greek technique of summing letters with numbers. Each letter contains number assigned, then these are summed.

- 'If number is valid, message holds. Otherwise - disregard' - She explained.
- 'But there's more' - Caty added, joining meeting - 'There are different isopsephies, using different numbers. It's an ages-old trick, if numbers add, using different table - they do not have to add using a table known to You, Runner'.
- 'So we don't know if i have to live, but i felt a strong power of the Prime overcoming me just recently. They said they will let me live, and that terrorists i'll face won't be too strong. If i screw it however, i'll die anyway. Because that's Allah's Will.' - Runner added.
- 'So you expected it?' - Mint spoke,
- 'More or less it's true' - He answered.

They conculded the meeting with that, not sure what to do next.