Monday, 10 April 2017

Matter-Energy Form.


Most ambitious of Runner's projects - as far as Science go - is the Matter-Energy Form, codenamed 'Matrix' - but Science is not everything.


This starts as a swarm of nanites - a swarm of very small robots, controlled by a computer.

These are so small that are invisible to the eye, possibly can pass through matter as well.

A while ago Runner had an idea of nanite swarm flying in the magnetic field, using energy weapons - hence there's distiction for Matter (nanites & their payloads) and for Energy (Magnetic Field & other).

One of most spectacular possible Miracles of this Technomagick is pseudomaterialization - when nanites get close to each other & connect to each other, their clusters might be large enough to be visible to the naked eye - making forms appear in the air.

Runner already made steps for coordinating these nanites using computers & software, but this technology is still a future - for now only works magically, on the esoteric level.

What is possible?

Runner does not want to create yet another weapon of mass-destruction, still it is possibly a weapon nevertheless.

Simple forms - as a knife for example - are easier to create that way from a viewpoint of a software developer - than for example, tanks or living beings.

Creating or transforming living bodies is immoral as well, in Runner's book - as is reincarnating in a mature body, either cloned or created other way.

There's a lot of talk about augmenting humans, granting them supernatural abilities via nanotechnology - perhaps subtle improvements or replacing lost limbs are doable from morality viewpoints, but creating beasts is not.


Technology advances faster than most humans follow.

Runner guessess that Matter-Energy form will be complete in 30-60 years from now.

Why a Matrix code-name?

Because, at it's best and worst at the same time, nanite swarm can spread over a distance, transforming matter & energy (matter is an energy form as well) within.

Forms can emerge or disappear, or even change that way.

A well-structured nanite cloud can 'superimpose' a 'Matrix' over area, controlling matter & energy changes within.

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