A Full-Time Service.
Runner woke up one night, as it was often when friends needed him to do something urgently - his mind & body woke up in a midst of a dream.
Or he could not sleep whole night, at other times.
Microtech & Chemistry.
He sent a Mind-message to Caty, telling her that someone trusted & important contacted him telepathically, with verifying signs of authentication, that he got a clearance for Microtechnology with a chemical payload in the Spiritual, in the Unmanifest - for her.
Features would include subtly paralyzing muscles with visualization-controlled microbots that penetrate skin. Details were classified, including the details of who gave him this clearance.
Her mists can grow as well.
Later versions should include nanites or microbots affecting the nervous system of the target, but this requires even more training, the skill in visualization & remote control of small-scale-electromechanical-systems. It's much more subtle however, creating even less of Paradox, of Reality Backslash.
Caty answered him in her conscious dream, telling that Runner's superior got 'One big from me' 'A big what?' 'A big favour of mine'.
There were so many options for the Matter-Energy Form & Incremential Barrier possible, but still initial work was not done yet - so it doesn't work in unmanifest - except for the times of interventions of greater powers of the super-nature that make greater miracles out of the miracles.
Runner agreed to deploy microbots with chemical payloads in Unmanifest - as soon as everyone is ready.
Magick Everywhere?
Personal-level Incremential Barrier is still possible - they figured - even if weaker than in the court-wide field.
The field of vision & sensor devices were important, as well as other magickal tools.
They figured out that while this is not technology yet, they'll use black leather gauntlets (later to be replaced with technogauntlets containing mutliple ultra-precision gps devices & a bluetooth wireless communication), as well as a phone (preferably fast & efficient android smartphone device, with wireless wifi-internet, other phones would work less efficiently but still).
This should increase skill, efficiency & power of the technomagick involved. While this works best in Caty's Hell - in the Thelema Hell she built her Court in - in the Real World this still has effect on the Spiritual Level - and can be brought to the Physical Reality with proper magick, as well.
'But let's beware of the Paradox with that' - Runner stated obvious.
When it's time to turn the technomagick into technology, they'll need to think about means of extending the electromagnetic field as well, so the microbots or nanites have means to fly.
Negotiations started for equipping Celestial Chorus rivals with Incremential Barriers as a way of giving them protection & asserting means of control. If they turned against the Mind Bastion of Caty's Court, that Barrier would turn against them - they got warning.
They still wanted, explaining that they want a Heaven's Foothold in Hell, that there are worse Courts & Hells than of Altruistic Caty's. They started to notice what Runner already knew - in depth she was gentle, nice, independent, strong & free woman - just had very evil & brutal friends that she didn't want to part with.
They still had to pay with Rubies - 30 000 per person - so they started to look for Tass, rare Magickal substance, Magickal Energy in a Physical Form. Caty agreed to trade 10 000 rubies per one unit of Tass substance, and she needed no more than eight units for now - each one of different variety, as well.
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