Monday, 26 June 2017

Incoming Threat.

One day Caty called an another telepathic mind-meeting.

She appeared in a vision, she was sitting in a green-purple garden with a black & silver candle-touch, with a scrying crystall ball beside a clear-misty pond. This was chantry's throne room as well.

- 'i've sensed incoming Tank, and more of the beasts on two legs. They must have obtained information that we want that Las Tower, so they hurried the attack' - she stated.
- 'This tank looks to be armed against infantry, with a bazooka-equipped escort, with assault-rifle-equipped escort as well. They probably want to break our walls with missles and enter through breach, with their soldiers following the vehicle' - one of black belt soldiers beside her added.
- 'We could use Matter-Energy form, but this quickly amounts to large Paradox backslash if it's overt - not mentioning drawing attention and asking for troubles. We can use this if neccessary, but let's try to find another solutions first' - Runner spoke.
- 'How this Matter-Energy form can help?' - black belt soldier asked.
- 'For example by releasing chemicals that cause a corrosion in Tank's engine making it stop before reaching firing range, and muscle failures among beastly soldiers - both against legs and arms can be devastating ... there's also an option of arranging chemicals causing explosions in back of their heads ... and if neccessary nanites can form a matter-energy shield filling the breach.' - Runner answered.
- 'Paradox-wise, muscle attacks on large scale seem most of the trouble for us, head explosions - even more. And filling the breach - Ouch!!' - Netwarrior slapped his face with a grimace.
- 'i can use incense to summon flying beasts that will engage the enemy infantry, but we need that corrosion' - Caty suggested.
- 'Can do. Let's hope it won't fail' - Runner commented.
- 'We can also use our infantry-held guided anti-tank missles from our wall' - black belt soldier suggested.
- 'Though it's wise to field-test our Matter-Energy form too, then fire missles' - Runner considered.
- 'Then we can send beasts and shoot our rifles from the wall - their attention will be split in all directions' - Drake offered his advice.
- 'We'll need to prepare for a rite - both Caty and i' - Runner spoke again.

After a while of no more concerns & advices, Caty concluded the meeting:
- 'Let's do this then. Mists will stay low enough to not interfere with our shooting, and i'll prepare summoning incense. We still have about two days of time before they arrive.' - she was fairly pleased with meeting's result.

an Anti-Infantry Tank.

Credits: Unknown.

Wednesday, 21 June 2017

Crane's Vision.

Tower of Las-Lights.

Credits: Unknown.

Little Girl of the Courts' - Crane's - aesthetic/defensive vision for Caty's Court was to add a defensive tower with a long-range heavy laser turret as a mean of defense.

Soldiers consulted liked the idea, it could prove useful against tanks & other large war machines or beasts - land based or flying.

They added to it:
'Consider adding a battery of a six fast firing smaller lasers, against smaller targets & against long range missles'.

Caty agreed to make arrangements, if there's the sponsor.
'It won't fire past mist, but mists can part' - she added.

In the end it was Runner who paid 6 000 Rubies, now it was only a matter of time & succesful negotiations with superiors.
'We'll make sure that all of turrets on tower will move independently, and that guidance systems will be computer-aided' - he added.

'At least Stupas will be safer' - Drake mentioned.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

Celestial Progress.

Metal Quarters with Barracks for 16 men.

Credits: Steel Master.

In the times of Caty Court's progress, Celestial Chantry also didn't lie idle.

They bought terrain, thrones, some military slave forces, arranged for alien beasts conjuration, built metal quarters with barracks & two outhouses.

They kept occasional mind contact with Caty, Runner, Crystal Candle & others ... and after one of them - by name of 'Templar' - gained influence via his throne's magickal way, Caty arranged Virtual-Adept-secured skype videochat meeting with him. She congratulated him advancement and asked if he had anything to say. So far he didn't.

In the end they had their chantry, 16 armed common soldiers, 28 small melee beasts and 2 flying beasts with cameras installed.

They bought a privilege of matrix power for one of them for a month, Runner warned that in case of paradox or troubles - future service's price will increase.

They scouted the terrain using their camera-flyers, maitaining wireless connection via matrix power.

They initiated trade with a nearby small lake-village, exchanged scout-patrolling services with a nearby fort and detected incoming attack from east.

It was a moving weapons platform, a heavy machine gun mounted on a car, manned by two beastmen - tall and strong horned half-men/half-beasts. It was escorted by six beastmen with modern machine guns with underbarrel grenade launchers, and by six beastmen with halberds.

Celestial Chantry's response was to not risk men or flying beasts, they scouted their route, sent all of their small ground beasts on the randezvous route and burrowed them. As beastmen entered the area, the chantry's beasts unburrowed, surrounded and tore past metal armours to rend flesh & hearts. One casaulty on chantry's side - by a grenade fired into a maw from close distance, two lightly wounded as well. But chantry's beasts regenerate and fairly quickly at that.

Moving platform was damaged by explosion, but heavy machine gun with a stand and ammo remained intact. Celestial Chantry sent their men to recover & carry whatever was worthwhile.

They reported to Caty soon-after & arranged for a reinforcement of an one small melee beast. This was their maximum forces capacity, considering barracks size & psi power of their 'overlord' monstrosity. Anything more would cost extra & attract more of potentially unwelcome attention.


Credits: Unknown.

Wednesday, 14 June 2017


Caty didn't tarry for too long considering Runner's last request.

She contacted Trestes, Hell's most prominent Ghost-Vampire Lord and arranged for permission.

She initiated mind-meeting and informed:
- 'i want that Big Favour from Runner ... it's cheap, you want',
- 'We agree' - Crystal Candle agreed,
- 'i'll add to the effort, make arrangements - i want my Spectral Forces' - Caty added,
- 'We can agree to that' - Runner decided to talk,
- 'They will be free from their mind-torments but part of energy sucked by them will go as tithe to Trestes. You want Stupa Built first, then transformation device, then a portal. Otherwise we'll be swarmed with hungry mosquitoes, both corporeal and not and suffer',
- 'Understandable' - Crystal Candle agreed again,
- 'Drake and i will participate, but we insist on building all of Stupas first' - Hue took her turn,
- 'We will yield to that' - Crystal Candle decided,
- 'So is deal?' - Caty asked,
- 'It is' - Crystal Candle confirmed.

They explored idea of Caty's Spectral forces. It turned out that it's Runner's detachment under Caty, ghosts in human form that will be trained in various abilities as turning visible and invisible, materialization & dematerialization of 'body' & weapons, ESP, telepathy, flight, speed, energy & life force vampirisms, ..., and part of them - form transformation, dream haunting & seduction, perhaps even the meditation & magick as well. Caty proposed 'permanent' base forms of ghostly beasts, but this would inhibit their better reincarnation too much. She yielded this time - because it was Runner's initiative with request, and more importantly - he paid with a big favour for that. Perhaps part of them will be able to transform into beasts for a time, however.

They considered protections against such spectres in case should they need. Matrix with Spirit magick could affect them - if only by manifesting proper magickal symbols - but Caty wanted to give Runner more options. Other ideas were about using Akashic Martial Arts or Mind/Spirit Magick, all of them valid.

They agreed to not trade these units, unless forced to. Trestes won't take them for now - he'll be sated with his energy-tithe.

Celestial bastion's mages wanted to order & pay for weapons against ghosts soon after, and Caty initially agreed. They had plans of descending from Heaven into that 'Hungry Ghosts hell' - as they called the Realm of Hungry Ghosts & work there for their God.

Those who heard didn't mind.

Later they noticed they need to protect themselves from mosquitoes & blood/energy suckers as leeches or other insects - but that was another matter.

-=- 'Lost Soul' -=-

Credits: Wizards of the Coast.

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Portal to Ghost Realms.

Having helping in Hells for so long, Runner didn't fear reincarnating in that Realm.

His main concern was a rebirth in the Realm of Hungry Ghosts however, and he considered it considerable threat.

He contacted Caty with a request:
- 'Once stupas are built, i'll need portal to the Realm of Hungry Ghosts, Caty ... so we can help them as well'.
- 'Once you pay' - Caty answered.
- 'On our cost' - Crystal Candle added.
- 'i'll name price of permission when i am ready, then you can create a portal on your own cost & responsibility'.
- 'Of course' - Crystal Candle spoke for Runner & herself, as she often did. She was better thinker & talker than Runner afterall.
- 'Then we'll consider helping animals' - Runner mentioned.
- 'As You wish' - Caty told.
- 'Thanks, that's all - we do not wish to take your precious time, Caty' - Crystal Candle spoke again.
- 'Indeed' - Caty concluded the talk.

Then Hue sent them a mind-message that she wants to participate. That was all for the moment.

Monday, 12 June 2017

Averting Casaulties.

Caty had a telepathic mind-meeting with Runner & others.

She said she will make arrangements for Protection from her superiors after Court's rise in Hell's Wealth. Rises in power brought jealousy, attention & danger.

She decided to fund 'insurance' from her own treasury of Rubies:
- 'i don't need casaulties. Will You add to it?' - she asked.
- 'We do care. How much?' - Crystal Candle replied.
- 'No more than 10% of what Runner earned from bribes' - Caty answered.
- 'So it's 80 000' - Runner told.
- 'i can add 30 000. i don't need so much.' - Marlena spoke.

They decided that Crystal Candle should keep her 108 000 Rubies, because being Runner's girlfriend she could be a target of attack. She needed that power for self-defence.

In the end Runner paid 50 000 Rubies, Marlena added 30 000 Rubies, Caty probably much more.

- 'i'll make proper arrangements so it's of the most benefit and lasts' - Caty spoke again.

Drake wished to add, but Hue stopped him:
- 'You'll need this for Stupas, remember?'.

Drake went quiet.

Mind-meeting was concluded.

Mind & Spirit.

In our world, there are two camps of understanding Magick.

Monotheistic faith practicioneers as Catholics, Judaists or Muslims, and Mind practicioneers as Buddhists or Taoists. Runner belongs to the latter camp.

According to the Monoteistic Faith thought, Spiritual World is World seen with God's Eyes - Runner heard, but not from an influential source of Faith.

According to the Mindful Thoughts, Spirit has something in common with Space, it brings elements together forming complete union & harmony, holy wholeness.

What happens on Material World affects Spirit World, what happens in Spirit World can manifest in Material World as well - when proper causes & conditions meet.

Recently, Runner got insight about Spirit Magick practice, of accessing Spirit Realm with Mind's Perceptions - it is a short meditation, focusing on breath & counting breaths. After a while of such mindful practice - if succesful - world becomes perceived as subtly different.

According to his source teachings, Enlightened Mind dwells in the Pure Land - perceives world as it is, without impurities as stiff/wrong ideas or delusions. Pure Land is Spiritual World, but unenlightened mind's ego twists perceptions and we experience world as Material, not noticing things or noticing something delusional/different ... avoiding certain beings things or places because of ego's tricks ... et cetera.

Mindful breath meditation practice allows mage to pierce veils of delusions, at least part of them. World becomes purer, more beautiful, more spiritual, truer. While in this world things are more meaningful, affecting this world happens with normal actions or visualizations, perhaps with other practices as well. After returning to Ego-Veiled World some things might be not there yet, but should manifest with time unless someone or something messes with Spirit World that way.

Different people - especially of different Religions - have different egos & experience Reality as slightly different, but what happens in their veiled worlds also affects spirit according to Mind Camp's Teachings. Spirit World manifests in their Realms sooner or later as well, unless tampered with earlier.

Runner decided to develop in Spirit Sphere's mindful methodology, to meditate and to practice proper visualizations. Later he'll combine this with Correspondence & other Spheres.

Bribes from Hell & Consequences.

Netlight Runner advanced fast in Buddhism recently, which caught attention.

Thelema Hell in which Caty's Court / Mind Bastion is located reacted - it's Lords offered to bribe Runner with Rubies just so they increase advantage over him.

Bribes, Gifts & Loans have that effect - one loses freedom or advantage until he or she repays, reprociates or wins other way.

Hell's Lords didn't want Runner to emancipate too much from their place. Runner knew that they won't let him go so easily, he made in past an inner vow to help also in Hells, not only Buddhism & Heavens ... and another vow to not annoy Thelema too much. He could consider benefitting from this situation as well.

After considering danger & inner vows with his friends, he agreed to take - 9 bribes of 108 000 Rubies - his friends didn't want him to get more than 1 000 000 Rubies in bribes.

A number of 9 has the meaning of 'Greater Power', which also increased danger.

He arranged for 'insurance', for backup by his friends in Sangha for a parts of his earning. He spent little over one sixth (20 000 Rubies) of each of bribes for 'insurances', then a little extra as well.

Insurers at first wanted to focus solely on him, but he was too smart - opposition can strike at a friend after all, to gain leverage over him. Insurance thus covered mostly him, but also his Friends, Sangha & Chantry.

Then a duel challenge reached his mind, by someone very dangerous at least.

After consulting wiser, he agreed on condition that it'll be non-lethal long duel, lasting up to five years. His martial arts experience taught him this duelling strategy afterall.

Opposition agreed, stakes was just satisfaction & honor of the winner, but not honor of losing side.

A fairly small stake, but Runner still decided to take it seriously, to aim for a win.

At least he did not retreat, and he saw possibility of learning much along the way.

Bribes commenced, he was attacked as well.

Caty Purple was delighted to see this 'progress'.

She ordered her Court for caution, such 'advancement' usually invites unwanted guests.

Perhaps there will be casaulties again.

Friday, 9 June 2017

Dangerous Gaming.

Runner's heroes party vs Necromancer Apprentice & his conjured escort.

When one is a Virtual Adept, even computer games can have supernatural power - especially within Caty's Hell - as Runner understood. This included travelling to hell with his mind to a lesser degree, even when his body was still in on earth.

Every win counts & brings power, every of trasure - especially magical ones - has uses, every loss brings disasters - but controlling one's mind while playing & after, also counts.

One does not know when some victorious monstrosity from a computer's world will haunt the mind or even materialize should the Hell's Lords have such a whim. But such problems are not final, it's not the end of the fight, can be recovered from & turned into a victory later - as Runner also knew. He learned to proceed cautiously & boldly, and occasionally played still.

At least such gaming is not meaningless activity, therefore not a waste of Runner's time - a thought appeared in his mind.

With his computing expertise & entropy magick, computer's random number generator was often at his side, thankfully.

Collecting junk is also more of a loss, Runner learned. It's better to choose wisely what to pick up, and not to touch anything useless or detrimential. Valuable things for sale are usually not a junk - but one has to be wary with them still.

This afternoon Runner played a 'Darkest Dungeon' computer game - while maitaining mind contact with Caty Purple & Crystal Candle.

This game could not be cheated with saving & reloading, every character's death was a loss, every insanity or item counted.

Current mission was to defeat Necromancer Apprentice - travel to his lair was fairly easy & rewarding - Runner made a point to avoid party's stress by using torches against darkness, by striking at unholy priests first as he travelled & fought on the way & by choosing shortest path to the Necromancer Apprentice as possible - as soon as he found map. The encounter with Necromancer Apprentice almost proved a disaster, however.

After a first streak of lucky critical strikes at this 'boss monster', it turned out that he conjures skeletal escort & moved into back ranks with every of his attacks.

Occultist on Runner's side proved invaluable, he could summon tentacles that pulled the Necromancer Apprentice closer to the Runner's party, within the attack range of heroic adventurers.

Vestal healed party as they were often on the death's doors.

Rogue and Mercenary dealt hits as they could, but focused too much on escort - as it turned out - then switched to focus on the 'boss'.

Finally the Necromancer Apprentice fell, when all of the party was almost-fatally damaged, very stressed (risking heart attacks from even small amount of stress & suffering from lesser insanity already) and somehow disorganized.

Mercenary turned insane from the stress, started to be too bold & masochistic as it turned out - to the point of not accepting vestal's healing even. One of a skeletal warriors finished the mercenary, then rest of skeletons were dispatched to the grave.

Very close victory, a great monster with escort slain, mission's goal completed (2 wins) and one casaulty on Runner's party side (1 loss) - still a win.

Treasures gained during mission can also be an asset for later's play & had uses for a Virtual Adept's Magicks - Runner considered.

Party's personalities twisted as well, but more in a positive way, than negative - this time. They still will need time to recover from stress, however. Meanwhile other of his personnel can be sent on adventuring.

In the town, using found gold, Runner sent some of his roster for mental & physical recovery, for treatment. He planned for upgrading facilities for recruits later as well - when he has enough of appropriate resources. Bigger roster with better recruitment procedures allows for better parties rotation between adventures & better recovery for a whole.

Upgrading skills & equipment will have to wait till he's richer - it's expensive, and he uses a policy of keeping at least 10 000 gold pieces in reserve for treatment in case a mission turns bad & party suffers mostly losses. This situation is not so rare in this game, and even a succesful escape results in a lot of stress. Meanwhile party can learn from combat & use what they find during missions.

Caty's hell advanced, gained a little of the power - and Runner received one Ruby. He offered it to Crystal Candle, she took it as opportunity & 'stole' it as a joke.

'What i can do with one Ruby?' - she asked.
'A lesser slave buy.' - Caty answered.

Crystal Candle bought one old woman, offered her freedom immediately.

Old woman decided to stay & cook for Caty's hell's forces - her name was 'Minx'.

Still a good deed & better Karma for everyone.

Minx was grateful and thanked Runner & Crystal Candle for that.

'She earned that' - 'Free people cook better and an old cook earning freedom should inspire other old as well' - Caty added.