Monday 12 June 2017

Mind & Spirit.

In our world, there are two camps of understanding Magick.

Monotheistic faith practicioneers as Catholics, Judaists or Muslims, and Mind practicioneers as Buddhists or Taoists. Runner belongs to the latter camp.

According to the Monoteistic Faith thought, Spiritual World is World seen with God's Eyes - Runner heard, but not from an influential source of Faith.

According to the Mindful Thoughts, Spirit has something in common with Space, it brings elements together forming complete union & harmony, holy wholeness.

What happens on Material World affects Spirit World, what happens in Spirit World can manifest in Material World as well - when proper causes & conditions meet.

Recently, Runner got insight about Spirit Magick practice, of accessing Spirit Realm with Mind's Perceptions - it is a short meditation, focusing on breath & counting breaths. After a while of such mindful practice - if succesful - world becomes perceived as subtly different.

According to his source teachings, Enlightened Mind dwells in the Pure Land - perceives world as it is, without impurities as stiff/wrong ideas or delusions. Pure Land is Spiritual World, but unenlightened mind's ego twists perceptions and we experience world as Material, not noticing things or noticing something delusional/different ... avoiding certain beings things or places because of ego's tricks ... et cetera.

Mindful breath meditation practice allows mage to pierce veils of delusions, at least part of them. World becomes purer, more beautiful, more spiritual, truer. While in this world things are more meaningful, affecting this world happens with normal actions or visualizations, perhaps with other practices as well. After returning to Ego-Veiled World some things might be not there yet, but should manifest with time unless someone or something messes with Spirit World that way.

Different people - especially of different Religions - have different egos & experience Reality as slightly different, but what happens in their veiled worlds also affects spirit according to Mind Camp's Teachings. Spirit World manifests in their Realms sooner or later as well, unless tampered with earlier.

Runner decided to develop in Spirit Sphere's mindful methodology, to meditate and to practice proper visualizations. Later he'll combine this with Correspondence & other Spheres.

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