Wednesday 14 June 2017


Caty didn't tarry for too long considering Runner's last request.

She contacted Trestes, Hell's most prominent Ghost-Vampire Lord and arranged for permission.

She initiated mind-meeting and informed:
- 'i want that Big Favour from Runner ... it's cheap, you want',
- 'We agree' - Crystal Candle agreed,
- 'i'll add to the effort, make arrangements - i want my Spectral Forces' - Caty added,
- 'We can agree to that' - Runner decided to talk,
- 'They will be free from their mind-torments but part of energy sucked by them will go as tithe to Trestes. You want Stupa Built first, then transformation device, then a portal. Otherwise we'll be swarmed with hungry mosquitoes, both corporeal and not and suffer',
- 'Understandable' - Crystal Candle agreed again,
- 'Drake and i will participate, but we insist on building all of Stupas first' - Hue took her turn,
- 'We will yield to that' - Crystal Candle decided,
- 'So is deal?' - Caty asked,
- 'It is' - Crystal Candle confirmed.

They explored idea of Caty's Spectral forces. It turned out that it's Runner's detachment under Caty, ghosts in human form that will be trained in various abilities as turning visible and invisible, materialization & dematerialization of 'body' & weapons, ESP, telepathy, flight, speed, energy & life force vampirisms, ..., and part of them - form transformation, dream haunting & seduction, perhaps even the meditation & magick as well. Caty proposed 'permanent' base forms of ghostly beasts, but this would inhibit their better reincarnation too much. She yielded this time - because it was Runner's initiative with request, and more importantly - he paid with a big favour for that. Perhaps part of them will be able to transform into beasts for a time, however.

They considered protections against such spectres in case should they need. Matrix with Spirit magick could affect them - if only by manifesting proper magickal symbols - but Caty wanted to give Runner more options. Other ideas were about using Akashic Martial Arts or Mind/Spirit Magick, all of them valid.

They agreed to not trade these units, unless forced to. Trestes won't take them for now - he'll be sated with his energy-tithe.

Celestial bastion's mages wanted to order & pay for weapons against ghosts soon after, and Caty initially agreed. They had plans of descending from Heaven into that 'Hungry Ghosts hell' - as they called the Realm of Hungry Ghosts & work there for their God.

Those who heard didn't mind.

Later they noticed they need to protect themselves from mosquitoes & blood/energy suckers as leeches or other insects - but that was another matter.

-=- 'Lost Soul' -=-

Credits: Wizards of the Coast.

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