Thursday 15 June 2017

Celestial Progress.

Metal Quarters with Barracks for 16 men.

Credits: Steel Master.

In the times of Caty Court's progress, Celestial Chantry also didn't lie idle.

They bought terrain, thrones, some military slave forces, arranged for alien beasts conjuration, built metal quarters with barracks & two outhouses.

They kept occasional mind contact with Caty, Runner, Crystal Candle & others ... and after one of them - by name of 'Templar' - gained influence via his throne's magickal way, Caty arranged Virtual-Adept-secured skype videochat meeting with him. She congratulated him advancement and asked if he had anything to say. So far he didn't.

In the end they had their chantry, 16 armed common soldiers, 28 small melee beasts and 2 flying beasts with cameras installed.

They bought a privilege of matrix power for one of them for a month, Runner warned that in case of paradox or troubles - future service's price will increase.

They scouted the terrain using their camera-flyers, maitaining wireless connection via matrix power.

They initiated trade with a nearby small lake-village, exchanged scout-patrolling services with a nearby fort and detected incoming attack from east.

It was a moving weapons platform, a heavy machine gun mounted on a car, manned by two beastmen - tall and strong horned half-men/half-beasts. It was escorted by six beastmen with modern machine guns with underbarrel grenade launchers, and by six beastmen with halberds.

Celestial Chantry's response was to not risk men or flying beasts, they scouted their route, sent all of their small ground beasts on the randezvous route and burrowed them. As beastmen entered the area, the chantry's beasts unburrowed, surrounded and tore past metal armours to rend flesh & hearts. One casaulty on chantry's side - by a grenade fired into a maw from close distance, two lightly wounded as well. But chantry's beasts regenerate and fairly quickly at that.

Moving platform was damaged by explosion, but heavy machine gun with a stand and ammo remained intact. Celestial Chantry sent their men to recover & carry whatever was worthwhile.

They reported to Caty soon-after & arranged for a reinforcement of an one small melee beast. This was their maximum forces capacity, considering barracks size & psi power of their 'overlord' monstrosity. Anything more would cost extra & attract more of potentially unwelcome attention.


Credits: Unknown.

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